
Woah, you've found my website.

I'm Casey. I like to learn about new things. Sometimes I like to make things too. Right now, I am studying computer science at Cal Poly. I am passionate about a lot of stuff, including open source software, programming, and mathematics.

When it comes to programming, I tend to like fields that are highly technical. I like the idea of diving deep into the stack, twiddling bits when necessary. Operating systems, compilers, functional programming, and computer graphics appeal to me for these reasons.

I made this website because I wanted to have a space online where I could be myself. Traditional social-media outlets don't really appeal to me. Hope you enjoy.


Mail: [my first name] @ theavilas.org

Github: caseyavila

Linkedin: caseyavila

Any opinions on this website are my own, and thus do not represent those of my employer, bloodline, or Martin Luther King Jr.